Author name: Berrie. J

I believe in empowering people with knowledge and personalized treatment plans tailored to their unique needs.

No-Needle Mesotherapy vs. Micro-Needle Mesotherapy

No-Needle Mesotherapy vs. Micro-Needle Mesotherapy – Which Is More Effective?

No-Needle Mesotherapy vs. Micro-Needle Mesotherapy – Which Is More Effective? Source: The purpose of the study is to identify the anti-aging effects of vitamin C with needle and no-needle mesotherapy. Background:  In simple words, the epidermis (the outer layer of the skin) is protected by a water and lipid layer. Vitamin C antioxidants help protect

No-Needle Mesotherapy vs. Micro-Needle Mesotherapy – Which Is More Effective? Read More »

Face Serum Benefits

Face Serum Benefits Backed By Scientific Research & Dermatologist Insight

What Are The Benefits Of Face Serum: According to the Journal of Dermato-Endocrinology, Face serums act like a supplement to our skin and can turn the clock back. In this blog post, we will discuss the amazing benefits of face serum and explore some potential side effects.   Face Serum Benefits: Face serums offer numerous benefits

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different types of serums

Different Types of Serums

Discover Different Types Of Serum For Targeted Skincare Solutions. Face serums are an important aspect of the skincare routine. It is like a bottle of magic to treat your various skin problems due to its fast-absorbing nature in the skin. Serums offer a wide range of formulations, including anti-aging serums, hydrating serums, brightening serums, and

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Dupilumab For Eczema Dupilumab For Atopic Dermatitis

Dupilumab For Eczema | Dupilumab For Atopic Dermatitis | Research

Source: Dupilumab For Eczema: It Shows It Might Be Better For Adults.   Aim: A review by the German Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG) looked at whether Dupixent offers benefits over traditional treatments. It’s difficult to accurately measure the full extent of Dupixent’s advantages but the findings showed that Dupixent improves

Dupilumab For Eczema | Dupilumab For Atopic Dermatitis | Research Read More »

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