Does Castor Oil Really Work For The Skin?

Castor oil is generally safe, but there is not enough evidence about the safety of using it directly on the skin. If you have skin that can be allergic to natural ingredients, do a patch test on a small area before applying it to your face.


Castor oil is a vegetable oil that is extracted from the seed of the castor bean plant (Ricinus communis). It can be a fantastic addition to your skincare routine because it has been used for centuries for medical and beauty purposes. In this blog post, we will discuss the skin benefits of castor oil and debunk the myth associated with it.

What is Castor Oil? 

Castor oil is an odorless liquid extracted from seeds of castor plants. It contains Vitamin E, Omega 6 fatty acids, and omega 9 fatty acids. It has been used for medicinal and beauty purposes for ages. Castor plants are members of the Euphorbiaceae family that are spread throughout tropical regions of the world.

It has been used for various purposes but limited data is available, and researchers are still investigating its benefits for beauty and health.

Acid name  Range 
Ricinoleic acid  85-95
Linoleic acid  1-5 
Oleic acid 2-6
Stearic acid  0.5-1
Alpha-linoleic acid 0.5-1
Palmitic acid 0.5-1
Dihydroxy stearic acid  0.3-0.5 
Other  0.2-0.5

Average composite of castor oil

The Castor Oil Benefits for The Skin or Face: 

Castor oil is known for its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and moisturizing properties. People use castor oil as a beauty product that is applied to the skin.

The benefits of castor oil for the skin are as follows:

  • Anti-aging effect.
  • Lighten stretch marks.
  • Works as lip balm.
  • Combat acne.
  • Wound healing.
  • Castor oil deeply hydrates skin.
  • It works as a cleanser.
  • It deeply moisturizes the skin.
  • Castor oil reduces puffiness.

1: Castor Oil For Face Wrinkles: 

Castor oil absorbs into the skin, helps to nourish, soften, and hydrate, and delays your skin’s wrinkles. The presence of antioxidants fights with free radicals and slow down the aging process. 

2: Does Castor Oil Help with Stretch Marks?

Castor Oil Contains 90% ricinoleic acid that also lightens your skin stretch. When this oil is applied to your stretch marks. It helps to moisturize the skin and promote collagen production, aiding in the fading of stretch marks over time. 

You need to warm the castor oil and then slightly massage the stretch areas for 15 to 20 minutes. 

Related Post: Permanent Stretch Mark Removal | How To Remove A Stretch Mark

3: Works As Lip Balm:

Lip Balm and lip gloss contain castor oil as a common ingredient due to the high concentration of monounsaturated fatty acid. It helps to keep your lips moist by preventing water loss on the outer layer of your lips and works as lip balm and lipstick.

4: Castor Oil Helps Remove Acne:

Castor oil has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that are helpful for acne reduction. Bacteria cause acne and ricinoleic acid inhibits the growth of bacteria.

5: Deep Hydration: 

Castor oil works as a humectant because it draws moisture from the environment and locks within the skin. 

6: Castor Oil For Skin Cleansing: 

Castor oil is widely used in skincare and cosmetic products. However, when it is applied on the skin or face it deeply penetrates and cleans your skin, making it soft and supple. You can also use it as a makeup remover.

7: Castor Oil For Face Moisturizer: 

In the wintertime, cold and dry air draws moisture to your body, resulting in flaky and dry skin. 

Castor oil contains a long chain of Ricinoleic acid that can deeply penetrate into the skin and retain moisture. It is not naturally found in any other ingredient in such abundance. It also builds a strong protective barrier for the skin.

Want to invest in some good moisturizers this winter? Read genuine reviews on La Roche Posay Cicaplast Baume B5+ Reviews.

8: Castor Oil For Wound Healing:

Castor oil has anti-inflammatory and pain-reducing properties because of its rich concentration of ricinoleic acid. It helps to protect wounds and make a moist environment around the wound that promotes healing and tissue growth and reduces dryness and the risk of infection. It also inhibits the accumulation of dead skin cells that promote or delay wound healing. 

9: Reducing Puffiness: 

Castor oil helps to reduce puffiness and bulge due to its anti-inflammatory properties. It reduces the size of spots and eye bags as well. 

10- Improves Skin Tone:

Most of the skin problems are associated with the dry skin condition. But the presence of fatty acid in castor oil seeds promotes smoothness, promotes the growth of healthy skin tissue, and helps in restoring uneven skin tone.

11: Sensitive Skin: 

Castor oil has an insufficient comedogenic score that reduces the blackheads and clogs pores in the skin, making it suitable for sensitive skin.

Why Castor Oil Is Suitable For Every Skin Type:

Let’s have a look why castor oil is suitable for every skin type:

Castor Oil For Dry Skin:

Due to the presence of triglyceride, it not only moisturizes your skin but also draws moisture from the environment and keeps your skin deeply hydrated.

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For Oily Skin:

Castor oil is non-comedogenic which means it does not clog pores, making it a good choice for oily skin.

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For Mature Skin:

As discussed earlier, dehydrated skin is the root cause of almost all skin problems. Castor oil deeply hydrates skin and gives a prolonged youthful appearance. 

For Sensitive Skin:

Castor oil has a gentle effect on skin and due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it subsides temporary discomfort and the presence of antioxidants helps to protect skin from environmental damage, making it suitable for sensitive skin.

How To Apply Castor Oil On the Face?

  • Castor oil is thick, and it takes time to absorb into the skin; mixing it with another carrier oil promotes the absorption therefore, you need to mix it with some common carrier oil before putting it on the face. The recommendation ratio is 1:2, which means quantity of castor oil ratio will be less than the oil with which it is mixed. 

Apply this mixture on the face at night and also leave the oil overnight or wipe it off with a warm cloth after one to five minutes. 

Myths Associated with Castor Oil:

  • Castor oil is a replacement for Botox:

Botox is a nerve toxin, and there is no relationship between Botox and castor oil.

  • Castor Oil Remove Skin Tags:

People claim castor oil dries out the skin tag, but castor oil has amazing properties for moisturizing skin. Maybe mixing with other home remedies, such as baking soda, can dry off skin tags, but castor oil does not hold this property.

Side Effects of Castor Oil: 

First, it is important to note that there is no such scientific evidence to support the benefits of castor oil for skin, but most of the proof is anecdotal and provides a wide range of accurate data. 

There are some side effects also related to castor oil, such as:

  • Swelling 
  • Itching 
  • Skin rashes 

If you are facing any of these allergic reactions after applying, you should seek medical treatment immediately. 

Interesting Facts:

  • The shelf life of castor oil is up to a year if not exposed to high temperatures.
  • The only FDA-approved use of castor oil is as a laxative.
  • Castor oil has also been used to induce labor pain in pregnant women, but it is very risky. Never recommend anyone to do this to induce labor.
  • Castor oil may be used to clean out the intestine before a bowel examination or surgery.
  • Castor oil has been used in many cosmetic products.
  • In rare cases, castor oil may create a condition called felting in your hair; your hair becomes so tangled that you need to cut it off.
  • Castor oil beans are very toxic due to the presence of ricin, which has been removed during castor oil processing.


Is castor oil non-comedogenic?

Castor oil has a low comedogenic score, which means it has a very low chance of clogging pores, which makes it suitable for those who are concerned about acne.  

Is it okay to drink castor oil?

It is not recommended to drink castor oil because it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, abdominal cramping, vomiting, bloating, and even dizziness. Always talk to your doctor before using it.

Take Away: 

Castor oil is an inexpensive way to promote healthy skin. It works as a natural moisturizer, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial agent. However, more scientific evidence is needed in support of these claims.

Castor oil is generally safe, but before applying it on the skin or face, small patch tests must be done to avoid any harm.


Co-writer: Saman

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