Stay Sun Smart The Natural Way – Complete Guide To Natural Sunscreen

Natural sunscreen is an amazing product for people who are conscious about skin health and environmental sustainability. These friendly sunscreens protect our skin from harmful UV rays without the use of harmful chemicals. Due to their gentler formula, you can enjoy the great outdoors with peace of mind. Moreover, they offer a safe and reliable shield for your skin. As we know, excess of everything is bad, so too much sun exposure leads to premature aging and skin damage. At the same time, Moderate sun exposure increases vitamin D production, which is beneficial for our bones and overall health.

Let’s explore the importance of natural sunscreen, its ingredients, and its effectiveness.

What Is A Natural Sunscreen?

Sunscreen are the protective elements that protect your skin from harmful solar radiation in different ways, like

  • Dispersing
  • Reflecting
  • Absorbing UV rays.

In short, UV filters are also called sunscreens. The sunscreens that contain mineral zinc and titanium are called natural sunscreens. These mineral UV filters protect your skin by making a shield on your skin that reflects and scatters the UV rays. These mineral UV filters are free from harmful chemicals and mixed with botanical extracts, antioxidants, and natural oils. Their lightweight and non-greasy texture makes them blend easily into your skin, leaving behind a sheer and radiant finish.

Why Is It Important To Wear Sunscreen Every Day?

For skin’s overall health and radiance, sun protection is not a luxury. It’s a necessity. The warm sun rays may feel comforting, but their powerful UV rays can harm our skin. Sun protection shields us from the harmful rays of ultraviolet radiation.

Sun protection prevents sunburns and premature aging and also reduces the risk of skin cancer. With the usage of sunscreens, you can imagine a world with youthful, radiant, and vibrant skin free from dark spots and wrinkles. So, protect your skin and let your skin shine and glow with confidence.

Natural Sunscreen vs Chemical Sunscreen:

Natural sunscreens are emerging stars in the world where we strive for healthier and more sustainable choices. Chemical sunscreens contain potentially harmful ingredients, while natural sunscreens harness the power of nature to protect our skin from sun rays. Moreover, these sunscreens have plant- and mineral-based formulas that are free from harsh chemicals.

Mineral sunscreens contain natural minerals like zinc oxide and titanium oxide instead of synthetic ingredients and offer broad-spectrum protection. For sensitive skin, it isn’t easy to choose a suitable sunscreen. Mineral sunscreens are the best choice for irritated skin. The zinc oxide and titanium oxide are hypoallergenic and offer a physical barrier against UV rays. Using natural sunscreen is not only for skin well-being but also a good step towards a more eco-conscious lifestyle.

Key Features of Natural Sunscreens:


Features Description
Ingredients Mineral sunscreens contain zinc oxide and titanium oxide to scatter UV rays instead of absorbing them.
Skin sensitivity These are suitable for sensitive skin because they are hypoallergenic and do not cause allergic reactions and irritation.
Environmental Impact These are typically more environmentally friendly, non-toxic, and do not contain harmful chemicals that harm marine life.
Sun Protection They provide broad spectrum protection against UAV and UVB. The SPF protection range from 20-60
Application It may leave a white cast on your skin due to mineral ingredients.
Effectiveness It provides immediate and effective protection after application.
Longevity Generally needs to reapply more frequently after swimming and sweating.
Availability It is available in different forms, like lotions, creams, and sticks.


Natural Ingredients With SPF:

natural sunscreen ingredients

  • Coconut oil SPF 4-6.
  • Almond oil SPF around 5.
  • Carrot seed oil SPF 35- 40.
  • Shea butter and mango butter SPF around 10-12
  • Zinc oxide and titanium dioxide: SPF 2-20% depends on the formulation.

Benefits Of Wearing Sunscreen On Face Everyday:

Following are some advantages of natural sunscreens.

natural sunscreen benefits


1. Safer for Your Health:

One of the primary reasons people choose natural sunscreens is due to their safety profile. Chemical sunscreens often contain ingredients like oxybenzone and octinoxate, which can be absorbed into your bloodstream and cause hormone disruption and allergic reactions. Natural sunscreens, on the other hand, are generally considered gentler, safer, and less likely to cause skin irritation or adverse health effects because they do not contain harmful chemicals, artificial colors, and by-products.

2. Effective Protection:

Natural sunscreens offer effective protection against both UVA and UVB rays. The minerals like zinc oxide and titanium oxide used in natural sunscreens form a physical barrier that reflects, disperses, and scatters the sun’s rays, effectively blocking them from penetrating the skin.

3. Environmentally Friendly:

Recent research shows that chemical sunscreens contribute to coral bleaching and also damage marine ecosystems. In contrast, natural sunscreens are safe and eco-friendly and do not contain harmful chemicals that can harm aquatic life. They are biodegradable, can easily break down, and do not accumulate in ecosystems. By using natural sunscreens, we can enjoy sun protection without harming the environment.

4. Suitable for Sensitive Skin:

If you have sensitive or reactive skin, natural sunscreens are an excellent choice. The gentle mineral ingredients present in these sunscreens are less likely to cause skin irritation or trigger allergic reactions, making them suitable for even the most sensitive or irritated skin types.

5. Versatile and Easy to Use:

Natural sunscreens come in various forms, including lotions, creams, sticks, and sprays. They are easy to apply and blend into the skin as long as you follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer.

Do You Know:

  •  Pale white skin burns easily but does not tan
  •  White skin tan with difficulty but burns easily.
  • Light brown or olive skin that hardly burns and tans easily
  • Black skin that is very unlikely to burn and becomes darker with UV radiation exposure.

Disadvantages Of Natural Sunscreen:

Following are some disadvantages and limitations of natural sunscreens.

  • They can leave a white cast and residue on your skin.
  • Less water and sweat-resistant as compared to chemical sunscreens
  • Lower SPF levels as compared to chemical sunscreens.
  • It may require more frequent reapplication.
  • Limited availability and variety of natural sunscreens.

Natural Sunscreen Recipe – DIY Sunblock:

Make your own sunscreen with our natural DIY SPF recipe.

Sun Cream Recipe With Avocado Oil and Cocoa Butter:


  • Avocado oil, olive oil, or Almon oil Half cup
  • Beeswax pellets ¼ cup
  • Essential oil 15 drops
  • Cocoa Butter ¼ cup
  • Coconut oil ¼ cup
  • Non-nano zinc oxide ¼ cup
  • Jar for storage


  • Melt the avocado oil, beeswax pellets, Cocoa butter, and coconut oil in a double boiler.
  • When the ingredients are completely melted, cool them slowly.
  • Next, add the nano zinc oxide and stir it properly.
  • Add 15 drops of essential oil to it as well.
  • Transfer the mixture to the wide-mouth jar.

Note: This provides SPF 20 protection.

Natural Sunscreen Homemade With Aloe vera and Coconut Oil:

There are proven benefits of aloe vera in treating sunburns. This DIY sunscreen is not water resistant, and you have to reapply it after some time.


  • Pure aloe vera gel ¼ cup
  • Powdered zinc oxide 2 tsp
  • Coconut oil ¼ cup
  • Walnut extract oil 25-30 drops for SPF boost
  • Shea butter 1 cup for consistency


  • Combine coconut oil, shea butter, and oil, heat them, and let them melt.
  • Cool this mixture and add aloe vera gel.
  • After complete cooling, add zinc oxide and mix it properly.
  • You can also add beeswax for consistency.

 DIY Sunscreen For Oily Skin:

If you have oily skin and want to make homemade sunscreen, then you can follow the above recipe but don’t add coconut oil because it can clog pores. You can use jojoba oil or coconut oil as carrier oils.

How to Choose A Natural Sunscreen?

When choosing the right sunscreens, you should consider factors like SPF level, water resistance, and broad-spectrum protection. You should identify the key ingredients, zinc oxide and, titanium oxide, that form a physical barrier on the skin. These are non-toxic, hypoallergenic, and reef-safe.

SPF Level:

Look for sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. SPF indicates the level of protection against UVB rays that cause sunburns.

Water Resistance:

If you plan to go swimming and also engage in activities that cause sweating, then always choose water-resistant sunscreen. It will provide better protection while swimming and perspiration.

Broad Spectrum Protection:

Always choose the sunscreen that provides broad-spectrum protection against UVA and UVB rays. UVA rays are the main cause of premature aging and long-term skin damage.


Sunscreens are available in different forms, like creams, lotions, and sprays. Consider the ease of application and choose the sunscreen that is convenient and easy to use.

Top Ingredients to Look for in Natural Sunscreens:

When choosing sunscreen, you should look for top ingredients that provide effective protection against harmful UV rays. These ingredients should be gentle for the skin and environmentally friendly. Here are some of the ingredients to consider.

Zinc oxide:

This amazing natural mineral ingredient is a broad-spectrum sunscreen that offers effective protection against UVA and UVB rays. As you know, zinc oxide is gentle for the skin and suitable for sensitive skin. It forms a protective physical barrier on the skin and scatters the sun’s rays.

Titanium Dioxide:

The other natural mineral ingredient is titanium dioxide. It also protects our skin from harmful UV rays and is gentle to the skin.

Natural oils:

Natural oils are the nourishing ingredients of natural sunscreens. They provide hydration and moisturization and also prevent dryness and sunburn. These oils are jojoba oil, coconut oil, and shea butter.

Aloe vera gel:

Aloe vera is a powerhouse ingredient that has anti-inflammatory properties. It can calm and hydrate the skin. It is beneficial for sunburn skin.

Non-Nano Particles:

Always choose a sunscreen that contains nanoparticles of zinc oxide and titanium dioxide because non-nano particles are larger and are less likely to absorb into the skin and reduce the potential health risks.

Reef-Safe Formula:

Always choose a reef-safe formula of sunscreen if you are planning to swim in the ocean because reef-safe sunscreens do not contain harmful chemicals that harm marine life.


Best Natural Sunscreen Brands for Effective Protection

Natural Sunscreen Application Tips and Tricks for Maximum Sun Protection:

To ensure maximum protection, here are some tips and tricks for natural sunscreen application.

  • Use an adequate amount of sunscreen and cover all exposed areas of your skin. If more product, it may result in adequate protection.
  • Apply sunscreen 20-30 minutes before exposure to the sun. This allows the product to fully absorb into the skin and provide optimal protection.
  • Reapply sunscreen after 2 hours if you are sweating or swimming. Even water-resistant sunscreens also wear off. So, it is important to reapply for optimal sun protection.
  • Remember to apply it on burnable areas like ears, the top of the feet, the back of the neck, and the lips.
  • Use sunscreen even on cloudy days because the UV rays can penetrate through clouds and windows and affect your skin.
  • Use sunscreen with other sun protective measures like wearing a hat, sunglasses, and full-sleeved clothes. Limit sun exposure when possible.
  • Before using sunscreen, check the expiration date because expired products can not offer proper sun protection.
  • Before applying any skin care product, do a patch test.

 Debunking Common Myths about Natural Sunscreens:

Here are some myths about natural sunscreen

Myth 1: Natural sunscreens are less effective than chemical sunscreens.

Fact: Natural sunscreens can be just as effective as chemical sunscreens when they contain the right ingredients. Always look for natural sunscreens that have broad-spectrum protection, which means they offer protection against both UVA and UVB rays. Main Ingredients like zinc oxide and titanium dioxide provide excellent and effective protection and are commonly found in natural sunscreens.

Myth 2: Natural sunscreens can be reapplied infrequently.

Fact: All sunscreens, whether natural or chemical, need to be reapplied regularly for optimal protection. The effectiveness of any sunscreen diminishes, with time due to factors like sweat, water exposure, and rubbing. It is recommended to reapply natural sunscreen every two hours or as directed on the product label.

Myth 3: Natural sunscreens leave a white cast on the skin.

Fact: While it is true that some natural sunscreens may leave a slight white cast on the skin due to the presence of mineral ingredients like zinc oxide or titanium dioxide, many modern and advanced formulations have improved significantly in this aspect. Look for natural sunscreens that do not form a white cast after application, or choose tinted options that blend better with different skin tones.

Myth 4: Natural sunscreens are not suitable for all skin types.

Fact: Natural sunscreens can be suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin. In fact, mineral-based ingredients like zinc oxide and titanium dioxide are generally well-tolerated and less likely to irritate compared to some chemical sunscreen ingredients. However, it’s always a good idea to patch-test a new sunscreen on a small area of your skin before applying it all over your face or body.

Myth 5: Natural sunscreens are not water-resistant.

Fact: Many natural sunscreens are water-resistant, but it’s important to check the product label for specific information. Water resistance is indicated by a specific period, such as 40 or 80 minutes. Reapply the sunscreen after swimming or excessive sweating to maintain its effectiveness.

By debunking these common myths, it becomes clear that natural sunscreens can be a reliable and effective option for sun protection. Remember to choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen with the appropriate SPF for your needs and apply it generously and regularly for the best results.


What is a SPF?

Sun Protection Factor is the measure of solar radiation required to induce sunburn on protected skin relative to the number of UV radiation that is required to cause sunburn on skin without sunscreen. Always use an SPF of 30 or higher.

What is the Suntan Lotion Recipe?

  • Aloe vera gel a1 tsp
  • Sunflower oil ½ tsp
  • Water 1/ 4 cup
  • Zinc oxide 3-4 tsp

Mix all these ingredients well and apply them to the face. Sunflower oil reduces skin sun sensitivity because it contains vitamin E and beta carotene, a natural antioxidant that protects the skin from sun damage.

Does Vaseline have SPF?

Yes, Vaseline offers SPf protection 50. It keeps our skin soft and hydrated and also provides sun protection.


When it comes to sun protection, natural sunscreens offer a safer and more environmentally friendly alternative to chemical sunscreens. With their effective broad-spectrum protection, gentle formulation, and minimal impact on the environment, natural sunscreens are a wise choice for anyone looking to enjoy the sun responsibly. Make the switch to natural sunscreens today and prioritize both your health and the planet’s well-being. By embracing the power of natural sunscreens, you can protect your skin from harmful UV rays while minimizing your impact on the environment. Armed with the knowledge from this guide, you can confidently choose the best natural sunscreen that suits your needs, ensuring safe and effective sun protection for you and your loved ones.

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